Summer Legal Intern: Isabella


From Isabella Henriquez, Scripp College student - IRC Summer Legal Intern

This summer through my internship with the Immigration Resource Center of San Gabriel Valley I was able to gain experience that allowed me to dream about the type of environment I would want to work in someday. One major highlight was that I was able to meet people from a wide variety of backgrounds, such as our Afghan clients. Before this summer, I had never met someone from Afghanistan. It was so interesting to assist with their legal documents from Afghanistan, read their personal statements about why they were petitioning for asylum in the United States, and meet them in person. It even made me want to learn Pashto or Dari!

I also had the privilege of interpreting during legal consultations for Spanish speaking clients. This also gave me insight into the many struggles immigrants go through just to gain their legal status in the US. It was surprising to learn that the wait time for a U-visa is five to twenty years because the government only gives out around 10,000 U-visas per year. The U-Visa is for clients who have been victims of violent crime and/or domestic abuse. Our clients would sometimes get very disillusioned and distressed over their cases, and it was heartbreaking to see them in such distress. But there were highlights too, such as hearing a client celebrate the arrival of their legal permanent resident card, helping reunite families, and reading thank you messages from our clients. All these things made the experience worth it, despite times of sadness.

I am so thankful that I was able to take this internship. The IRC has been so kind. The entire team accepted me as one of their own, guided me, and taught me so much. I know the lessons I learned this summer will be valuable for the rest of my time at college and wherever I end up in the future. Thank you for the wonderful summer experience!

Sam Griffith